You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.2. Maintenance - Edit Company > Edit Company - Edit - Mobile Company Settings > Picking Settings
Picking Settings

The Picking settings on the Micronet Mobile Picking screen (v2.7) / Edit Warehouse Mobile Settings screen (v2.8) apply to the Paperless Picking module of Micronet Mobile Applications – see "Paperless Picking".

To configure these settings:

  1. Display the Micronet Mobile Picking screen / Edit Warehouse Mobile Settings screen.

Refer to "Edit Company - Edit - Mobile Company Settings".

  1. Complete the following fields:





Picking Value on PDA

Select whether the quantity ordered or the quantity supplied should be displayed on PDAs. Options are:

  • No – Micronet displays the quantity ordered value from the debtors invoice line
  • Yes – Micronet displays the quantity supplied value from the debtors invoice line.

This picking value is displayed on PDAs as shown in the Ord(ered) field below.


Download Multi Bin

If multi bins are enabled in your Micronet system, select Yes to download multi bin information to PDAs. Otherwise select No.

Multi bins are enabled using the Allow Multiple Bin Locations per Item field on the Inventory Configuration screen – see "Edit - Program - Inventory".

To illustrate, the first screen below shows the warehouse bin locations for item 10010. Warehouse 1 has multi bin locations defined as shown in the second screen.


The first screen below shows the information displayed on PDAs when this field is set to No, while the second screen shows the information displayed when this field is set to Yes.



Ask UDQ during post

Select Yes if you want user defined questions displayed to PDA users when they post a picking slip, otherwise select No.

If you select Yes in this field, the Courier and UDF button is displayed on the picking mismatch screen when PDA users post a paperless picking slip. This allows users to change the courier or user defined questions for a picking slip. For more information, see "Mobile Picking - Courier and UDF".

The first screen below shows the Courier and UDF button displayed when this field is set to Yes, while he second screen shows no button when this field is set to No.



Ask Double Confirmation



SOH Value No=OnHand Yes=FreeStock

Select how you want free stock calculated for paperless picking. Options are:

  • No – Micronet uses the on hand value in the warehouse item file
  • Yes – Micronet calculates free stock as set in the Free Stock Calculation - Order Entry field on the Inventory Configuration screen – see "Editing the Free Stock Calculation Method". If that field is not configured, Micronet calculates free stock as the on hand value in the warehouse item file plus the on order value in the warehouse item file.

This free stock value is displayed on PDAs as shown in the SOH field below with a value of 807.


Scan for Quantity

Select Yes if you want users to scan for item quantities, otherwise select No.

If you select Yes in this field, users can either scan an item and enter a quantity on the PDA, or they can scan each individual item as they put it in the trolley. Each time the user scans the same item barcode, the quantity Picked is incremented by 1. Therefore if they scan the same item barcode eight times, the quantity Picked will show as 8.


Run PDA Scan Check

Select Yes to turn on the PDA Scan Check option, or No if you don't want to run Scan Check. With Scan Check on, when a PDA user posts a picking slip back to Micronet, extra screens are displayed where the user can scan each item that has been picked.


Override backorder priority

If you want to set a default initial priority for backorders during paperless picking, enter the priority code.


Override dataconnect priority

If you want to set a default initial priority for picking slips generated in external web ordering systems and processed via Data.Connect, enter the priority code.


Override micronet priority

If you want to set a default initial priority for picking slips created in Micronet, enter the priority code.


Override Consolidated priority




Technical Tip

Micronet uses the priority set in these fields when determining the next slip to be downloaded to a PDA. Slips with a higher priority appear higher up the list so they are allocated first. For more information about the impact of the initial priority, see "Setting the Initial Priority of Picking Slips" in the Mobile Applications manual.



PDA GR Allow Cross Dock

2.8 Feature

Select Yes if you want PDA users to be able to enter or scan a cross dock (holding) bin location when processing goods receipts on a PDA.


Ask for serial numbers

Select Yes if you want Micronet to prompt PDA users for item serial numbers, otherwise select No. With this option on, when users are picking an item line, they can inquire on serial numbers for items that have serial numbers enabled, and they can confirm or reallocate serial numbers.


Copy courier details



Print during post paperless



Use Tile Rec



Use Bin Sort Seq

2.8 Feature

Select Yes if you want Micronet to use the bin sort sequence defined in the Sort Sequence field in the Warehouse master file – see "File - Warehouse - Bins".

Select No if you want the bins sorted alphabetically by bin number.


Reallocate Multi Bins on send to PDA

If multi bins are enabled in your Micronet system, select how you want Micronet to allocate bins:

  • Yes – Micronet will allocate bins in the order in which the slips are picked rather than the order in which they are posted. This allows for instances when a slip that was posted after another slip is actually picked first. It ensures that a higher priority bin is allocated for the first slip picked rather than the first slip posted.
  • Yes-Use SOH (2.8 feature) – Micronet will ignore free stock when allocating bins and instead allocate bins based on actual stock. This allows for the full amount to be picked from a single bin, rather than picking part of an order from one bin and the remainder from another.


Recreate Paperless File on Download

2.8 Feature

Select Yes if you want Micronet to get the latest stock on hand values when a picking slip is downloaded to a PDA. Select No if you want to retain the original stock on hand values from the time the order was created.



Technical Tip

As well as the Recreate Paperless File on Download field, if you are using multi bins and you want Micronet to update bin allocations when picking slips are downloaded to PDAs, you also need to set the following fields:

  • the Re-allocate Bins Prior to Posting field on the Inventory Configuration screen should be set for Invoice Creation
  • the Pick Whole Qty from Bins field on the Inventory Configuration screen should also be set for Invoice Creation.

Refer to "Edit - Program - Inventory".



Force Scan on PDA

Select how PDA users can enter picked items into Micronet. Options are:

  • No – when picking items, PDA users can manually select items from the list
  • Yes – when picking items, PDA users must scan a barcode; they cannot manually select items from the list.


Auto Post Invoice from DC



Auto Print Trolley Slip

2.8 Feature



Display message for duplicate lines




Ask for UDQ0 on PDA

2.8 Feature

Select Yes if you want Micronet to display user defined question 1 on PDAs.


Ask for UDQ1 on PDA

2.8 Feature

Select Yes if you want Micronet to display user defined question 2 on PDAs.


Prevent Edits while on Paperless

2.8 Feature

Select Yes if you want to prevent users from editing picking slips with a status of On Paperless. This prevents them from changing or deleting lines that have already been picked and supplied.

Select No if paperless slips can be edited.


Ask for Posting Options

2.8 Feature

Select Yes if, when posting a picking slip on a PDA, you want users to be prompted to post it as a slip or as an invoice.


Prevent Overscans

2.8 Feature

Select Yes if you want to prevent users from scanning a quantity on a picking slip which is greater than the quantity ordered.


GR to Picking Delay (in minutes)

2.8 Feature

Optionally, enter a number of minutes to elapse between goods receiving and picking.

  1. Configure any further fields on the Micronet Mobile Picking screen / Edit Warehouse Mobile Settings screen that are required for the Micronet Mobile Applications you have access to.